This page is mostly about how to do certain operations on your computer.

We have also listed a number of the more popular, mostly free to use - open source software applications. The programs listed under the Windows section are avaialble for you to try out on your Windows PC. This will enable you to identify, try and use programs to do the tasks you need to do at no or low cost.

This will allow you, if you wish to move to a Linux operating system quickly as you will know the programming that you need to use with free, open source computer systems, reducing your costs and removing the legal risks that you may currently be open to by using unregistered software.

Many packages are free, some may have restrictions, or low cost licencing,for use by business.

Most of the links we provide will give you all the information you need.

The list we provide is only a selection of what is available. Please let us know if you have any favourite that you would like to add.

For Everyone | Linux | Mac | Windows